Monday, 30 September 2013

Budding Scientists

Over the past few weeks, Primary 4 have been learning all about water in Science with Mr McKenna. This week they have enjoyed using the microscopes to discover more about what is in water.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

P4A 'Market Place'

After collecting lots of interesting facts during ICT about life as an Ancient Egyptian P4A were asked to work in groups to combine the information that they had found. Each group were asked to focus on one aspect of Egyptian life and to display their information in a poster. An 'Expert' was chosen from each group who then shared their new found knowledge with the rest of the class in a Market Place.

Izzy was 'The Expert' on Work

Martha was 'The Expert' on Food

Abi was 'The Expert' on Play

Olivia was 'The Expert' on Education

Lucy was 'The Expert' on Clothes

Life in Ancient Egypt Market Place

Monday, 9 September 2013

Farming in Ancient Egypt

P4C have been learning all there is to know about farming in Ancient Egypt. In groups they have worked hard to create these fabulous informative posters.We think that they are fantastic!

by David, Katie, Caitlin, Cameron, Sam and Amelie

by Millie, Ellen, Cai and Ross

by Ian, Layla, Sara and Chris

by Molly, Isaac, Robert, Arooj and Harvey

by Ellie, Pere, Eliane and Quinn

by Samara, Ellen G, Ryan and Ewan

by Tobias, Zach and Laura

P4C's Pyramids at Sunset

Primary 4C have been working hard to produce these beautiful pictures of 'Pyramids at Sunset'. To do this they began by mixing water colours to create the stunning backdrop. Next they drew the outline of their pyramids and camels before painting them black.

Money! Money! Money!

P4A have been putting their money skills to the test by working out different money combinations and finding the correct amounts of change.