On Thursday 31st October P4A embarked on their trip to the Egyptian exhibition at the National Museum.
After a very interesting wander around the exhibition we were shown upstairs to the activity room
Rose was asked to help recreate the mummification process. She made a fabulous mummy!!
Katya, Abi and Hamish volunteered to play the part of Ammut the Devourer. He has the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion and the bottom of a rhino!!
Ammut's job was to eat the heart of anybody who had sinned.
In groups we became Egyptologists where we had to solve different clues to work out whose tomb we had found.
Some of these artifacts belonged to real-life Ancient Egyptians!
A special thank you to the mums and dads who were able to help us out.
A very fun time was had by all.